Authenticity guarantee

Yes! Ensuring the authenticity of an item before we accept it is at the heart of what we do.

Every single item that is sold by Luxity is accompanied by our Luxity Authenticity Guarantee. We are so confident that we even give all our items a LIFETIME RETURN POLICY if you prove that any item/s purchased from Luxity is counterfeit or fake for a 100% refund (including delivery costs).

Before any item is posted to our website it is checked, (then checked again) and scrutinized by our highly-qualified Brand Luxury Experts who authenticate the items. Each item also undergoes brand specific tests that are conducted under the skill of our Brand Experts. If we are unsure about an item, Luxity will never stock it. Fake and counterfeit merchandise will never be sold through us. This is our promise.

In many cases, yes! However, we cannot guarantee it. Whenever possible, we will provide you with original boxes, dust bags etc. If your item comes with any of the original packaging, it will be stated in the items description on our website. Please read your item description carefully.

Luxity is not partnered or affiliated with any of the brands sold through our online boutique. However, we cooperate fully with those brands in an attempt to trace the source of counterfeit items. This includes revealing the contact information of the person(s) submitting counterfeit goods.

The Luxity security tag & returns

When you make a purchase, your item(s) will be delivered to you with security tags on. We place a security tag on every item that we sell. Our security tag will not damage the item that you are purchasing and is very easy to remove with scissors but it is not re-attachable. You have 7 days, from the date of shipping to return your item(s) for a full store credit.

Yes. All items may be returned to Luxity for a full store credit or exchange (your choice) within 7 (seven) days of purchase. The Luxity Security Tag must still be attached and intact, without compromise and the item must still be in the same condition we sold it to you in order for you to receive a full store credit or exchange.

Should you return the product you must arrange for insurance whilst the product is being transported. Risk and ownership will only transfer once the goods are received back in good condition at Luxity.

Returns are credited exchanged based on the amount you paid for the item. All return shipping costs are for your account.

Here is some advice: Every item listed on Luxity is accompanied with a full and detailed description of the item, including an honest account of its current condition, its size (or measurements) and any flaws that it may or may not have. Please remember, that although we sell pre-owned items that are still in great condition, they have, unless otherwise stated, been previously worn.

To avoid unnecessary returns, please be sure to read the description and view the photos carefully of each item you are purchasing on Luxity. In particular, taking into careful consideration the size of the item and any possible flaws, which are always openly disclosed.

Orders that are not fully paid within the 60 day reservation period are considered ‘overdue’. All overdue orders are subject to the 15% Restocking & Cancellation Fee of the total order amount. The Restocking & Cancellation Fee will only be waived if the item(s) is/are NOT returned. The full 15% Restocking & Cancellation Fee will be charged on the returned item(s) if the corresponding order was ‘overdue’.


In most cases, yes – but if not, a Luxity dust bag will be supplied complimentary with your order to protect your items.

Firstly, nothing we sell is “drab” and our items are in exceptional pre-owned condition (some of them have never even been worn).
As for the packaging – our answer is YES! The experience that we box is truly special. We have tried to think of every detail. In fact, our packaging is so amazing that you can be confident to send it directly to a recipient as a gift.

Pricing & payment options

We accept:
– Visa
– MasterCard
– PayGate via your personal Dashboard at https://app.luxity.co.za/
– EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) & Bank Deposits (min. R500 per transfer) – Cash (in-store only)

Yes, we accept in-store cash payments.

No. All prices advertised are fixed and non-negotiable.

Should you have any queries regarding existing Store Credit, kindly contact our boutique team at Nelson Mandela Square, Menlyn Maine Central Square or the Cape Quarter.
For now, kindly inform us when and where you want us to allocate your Store Credit and we will take care of everything else.

Our team of in-house Luxity Buyers research and consider the retail value of each item individually, taking into account the condition of the item, popularity and/or rarity, the accompanying material (for example: dust bags, original receipts) as well as evaluating current fashion trends.

An item may stay in your cart indefinitely. There is no time limit on how long an item remains in your shopping cart. It will stay there until you remove it or until it sells to someone else who has it in their cart.

Please respect the fact that each item we stock is one of a kind and for this reason purchases are reserved on a “first paid, first-served” basis.

Reserving Luxity items

Luxity uses a deposit system in order to secure items with only a 25% or 50% initiation fee. If you do not have the full amount available to pay for your order, then upon adding to your cart, click on the DEPOSIT options available to you. You will be required to pay an immediate 25% or 50% down payment of the full value of the order depending on the item.

Once the minimum deposit is paid, you then have 60 (sixty) days in which you can settle your account. Instalments may be paid at any time, in any amount over R500 (ZAR) during this time. Should you not be able to pay the remaining balance – you may cancel your order and Luxity will refund you, while retaining 15% of the total value of the item (Restock & Cancellation Fee).

25% or 50% of the total purchase price (depending on the item) is required as a down payment to reserve an item. You will need to settle the full balance of the purchase within 60 (sixty) days of the reservation start date. Swapping of items, cancellation of orders or defaulting on paying the full balance within the payment terms results in a non-refundable Restock & Cancellation Fee of 15% of the total value of the item(s).

Orders that are not fully paid within the 60 day reservation period are considered ‘overdue’. All overdue orders are subject to the 15% Restocking & Cancellation Fee of the total order amount. The Restocking & Cancellation Fee will only be waived if the item(s) is/are NOT returned. The full 15% Restocking & Cancellation Fee will be charged on the returned item(s) if the corresponding order was ‘overdue’.

Payment must be made in full within 60 (sixty) days from the date that you make your initial 25% down payment. If the 60 (sixty) day period expires without full payment being received, your deposit plus any additional payments made will be refunded to you, minus the non-refundable portion (15% of the total value of the item(s) will be retained as Restocking & Cancellation Fee).

The customer (you) determines the payment schedule within the 60 (sixty) day term. Payment amounts must be greater than R500 (ZAR) unless the remaining amount is less than R500 (ZAR).

Payments may be made with Luxity Account Balance, Credit Card, PayGate, EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer), or Bank Deposit.

To keep things fair, no customers get special treatment and our boutique staff is only allowed to market and sell new the newly listed items when they go live on our website as well. However, there are two tricks to avoid missing out: You can either log in to your personal Dashboard where you can set up your interests (MY ACCOUNT -> My Interests). As soon as an item that matches your search criteria is listed, you will get notified via email.

Alternatively, have a conversation with your boutique staff at either Nelson Mandela Square, Menlyn Maine Central Square or Cape Quarter and they can add you to their Whatsapp lists.

You are able to request a statement from Luxity at any time or you can simply access your personal Dashboard where you see all current and past orders.

No. You will be able to either pay online through your Dashboard, by means of EFT or bank deposit or at one of our stores.

15% of the total item purchase price is non-refundable in the event that your order is cancelled.

To avoid any fees, rather don’t reserve and pay for the item in full. To prevent yourself from paying a fee, make sure that you read the description of each item you plan to purchase and view its photos carefully, in particular taking into careful consideration the size of the item and any possible flaw(s).

Changing items during the payment duration of your reserved item will be treated as cancellation and the 15% Restocking & Cancellation Fee will apply. Remaining funds can be either refunded to you via EFT or you can use it as store credit for another purchase.

If full payment is not received by the end of the 60th (sixtieth) day initial payment, your reservation will be cancelled and the item will be immediately placed back in our inventory to be re-sold. You will be refunded all payments made up to that date, minus the 15% non-refundable portion as described above.

No. Unfortunately, we do not allow any form of payment plan extension on reserved items beyond the 60 (sixty) day term as many items have a consignor on the other end who is waiting to get paid out. However, if you need more than 60 (sixty) days, you may cancel your item and then repurchase it. This will be subject to the 15% Restocking & Cancellation Fee.

Orders that are not fully paid within the 60 day reservation period are considered ‘overdue’. All overdue orders are subject to the 15% Restocking & Cancellation Fee of the total order amount. The Restocking & Cancellation Fee will only be waived if the item(s) is/are NOT returned. The full 15% Restocking & Cancellation Fee will be charged on the returned item(s) if the corresponding order was ‘overdue’.

Shipping & customs

You can either collect your order from one of our Luxity boutiques in Nelson Mandela Square or Menlyn Maine Central Square in Johannesburg or the Cape Quarter in Cape Town. Alternatively, you may utilize our door to door delivery service and have your purchase delivered to any address of your choice in South Africa.

If you are making use of our free shipping option, you will be provided with the tracking number of your parcel.

We only use reputable courier firms. All packages are sent with signature confirmation and only you will be able to sign for your package. Proof of identity will be required when you receive your order.

No, unfortunately, we cannot send any purchase to a P.O Box address.

Yes. Shipping (even international) is usually included in the purchase price.

We mark all Customs Forms as used items, but we do not state the brand of the item. The item is then valued at the amount that you paid for the item in South African Rand (ZAR).

No. If a parcel is being shipped outside of South Africa, then the buyer is responsible for any and all customs fees and/or duties.

If you are collecting your order, you may collect as soon as the full balance has been received (if you are making an EFT, please allow for 1-2 business days for the payment to reflect in our account). You will get a confirmation as soon as your purchase has been fully paid and is ready. If collecting from one of our boutiques, we recommend ensuring that the item is already in the respective boutique.

If you need your item sooner, you are welcome to call one of our stores and our team will help accommodate you. If you are making use of our door to door delivery service, items are dispatched from our warehouse within 1 business day of payment being received. Usually all orders arrive at our clients’ doors within 2-3 business days. Should you happen to live in an outlying area, please allow for a bit of extra time for the shipment to arrive. We generally strive for your order to get to you as quickly as possible.

Standard Economy Ground Shipping is FREE (inside South Africa) and included in every item on Luxity. However, should you wish to have express overnight, same-day or for your item to be shipped outside of South Africa, please contact one of our boutiques and a Luxity staff member will assist you.

Our Luxity staff is skilled at organising insurance from the smallest of trinkets to the heaviest of vintage trunks. Our standard ground shipping is ensured for the full value of the item.

Item cleaning process

Yes – as best as we can. Before any item is photographed and stocked to our inventory, it is cleaned with approved methods to revive the item as best as we can.

Luxity, however, is not responsible for any professional cleaning of an item. Although certain pre-owned flaws can never be removed, we do condition the item for its new owner and have it looking as new as possible.

Professional vacuuming of all pockets, slots and compartments is conducted on all handbags, purses etc. All Hardware is wiped down with our special polishing cloths.

We do not attempt to clean items from stains or other more significant signs of wear and tear, but we will always fully disclose all of this information in the items’ descriptions.

Firstly, we will not stock any item in our inventory if it is smelly. And secondly, we condition every single item before it is placed into our warehouse to make sure that all odours are removed to the best of our abilities.

Selling your items to us

Once your submission has been received, your photographs will be inspected by our Brand Luxury Experts specialising in the particular brand that you are selling.

You will receive an offer from us within 72 hours (please allow for extra time over weekends and public holidays).

The following factors are taken into careful consideration when pricing an item: The condition of your item, demand, rarity and popularity of the item, the current retail price, current fashion trends as well as the inclusion/availability of accompanying documents and items such as the original receipt, original dust bags and packaging.


No. At the moment we only purchase inventory from individuals within South Africa..

We receive dozens of new items every single day and list them in chronological order of arrival at our Distribution Centre. Please allow for up to 2-3 weeks for our team to inspect, clean (if necessary) and photograph your item(s). It is our goal to show any item from its best side.

Unfortunately, this varies quite a bit. Some items sell within seconds with the full balance getting paid which allows us to pay you out within only a few days. Other items need a little while to find their new home, a customer might have to cancel at the end of the 60 days or an item gets returned; both scenarios will result in us relisting the item.

On your personal Dashboard you can keep track of all the items you’re selling with Luxity and their current status. And please rest assured that we strive to pay you out as quickly as possible.

If you’ve accepted one of our cash offers, you will get paid in the next payment run assuming you have completed the VAT form and updated your banking details on your personal Dashboard. We usually make payments on Mondays and Thursdays.

If your item is listed on consignment, we will contact you as soon as we’re ready to make the payment, i.e. as soon as your item has been sold, the full price has been received and the return window has closed. Then it’s just a matter of completing an e-document and making sure that your banking details are on your personal Dashboard before we can process your payment!

Please note: Payments will only be made via EFT into the banking details you’ve provided on your personal Dashboard. Luxity will never pay you in cash. The only alternative is if you request the available funds to be used as Store Credit at Luxity.

For security reasons, payments will only be made via EFT into the banking details you’ve provided on your personal Dashboard.

Kindly login to your personal Dashboard and complete your banking details under MY ACCOUNT -> EDIT PROFILE.

Your banking details along with all your other personal information are encrypted and nobody at Luxity can change them.

Luxity cannot be held responsible if a payment was made into the wrong account. Our accounts department simply pulls all information from your Dashboard and relies on this information to be accurate. In most cases, FNB will alert us that an account number is wrong and a member from our buying team will contact you. However, if the ‘wrong’ account exists and the payment goes through, Luxity will try to reverse the erroneous payment but cannot be held responsible should this fail. Furthermore, Luxity cannot be held liable to make another payment for the same item.

Therefore: please make very sure that the banking details you update on your Dashboard are the correct ones!

In this case, you must still complete the VAT form but you can also send us an invoice using PayPal. Please note that Luxity charges an administration fee of R500 if you use this option.

If we receive a different item to the one you submitted, or if it is fake – our cash offer will be immediately revoked and you will have to collect the item from our Distribution Centre in Johannesburg at your own expense.

Yes, absolutely. However, according to the Luxity Consignment Agreement, you agree to a minimum listing period of 3 months. If you want your item back prior to the completion of 90 days, a cancellation fee of R1000 will be charged to you. Items that are reserved and a deposit has been paid are not eligible to be returned to you unless the customer agrees or cancels his/her order.

The Luxity Buy-Back is our offer to buy back an item that you purchased from us.

No. The Luxity Buy-Back Program is dependent on each item, and Luxity reserves the right to choose which items are eligible for the Buy-Back Program, and which are not.


Luxity dashboard

You can access your personal Dashboard here: https://app.luxity.co.za/

N.B.: Your username is the email address you used to contact us and all your current or previous purchases and/or sales are linked to that username.

Your username is the email address you used to contact us.

In the event that you forgot your password, you can either use the ‘Forgot Password?’ function at https://app.luxity.co.za/ or have an OTP sent to your cell phone.

You can simply access your personal Dashboard where you see all current and past orders. There, you will also be able to see an estimated date for your pay-out once an item has been reserved.