Louis Vuitton & Co. Combat Counterfeit Sales

When you buy a luxury Louis Vuitton handbag you need to know that it’s 100% genuine and not just another cheap rip-off. And that’s exactly why we at Luxity offer all our customers a Lifetime Return Policy should any item you buy ever prove to be a fake.
Now, Louis Vuitton, perhaps the most iconic name of all, is on a mission to combat the scourge of counterfeit goods. Teaming up with Alibaba, the massive online retailer, the aim is to help luxury brands protect their unique intellectual property. Alibaba intends to form a task team of up to 20 famous brands (including Louis Vuitton and Swarovski) to fight the sale of fake products.
ALSO SEE: 6 Reasons Why You Should Never Buy Counterfeit Designer Items
The Chief Platform Governance Officer of the Alibaba Group says: “The most powerful weapon against counterfeiting today is data and analytics, and the only way we can win this war is to unite.”
So, the good news for all lovers of genuine fashion is that Alibaba has agreed to share data and technological findings – while the designer labels, in return, will release all their anti-counterfeit data to Alibaba. This strategy should produce marvellous results for those of us who care about fashion, style and originality.
At Luxity, we warmly welcome this bold initiative. Our aim, the Luxity Mission, is to always deliver certified and 100% authentic luxury to our customers.
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